
How does Edge AI Bring Benefits to the HomeCam Space?


Edge AI

How does Edge AI Bring Benefits to the HomeCam Space?

Mark Crosling / July 14, 2022


HomeCams incorporating Edge AI technology offer both state-of-the-art security and convenience.

Edge AI technologies have become increasingly available and affordable for computer vision applications. This allows the technology to make its way into everyday consumer products like HomeCams.

Before we explore the impact of Edge AI on HomeCam technologies, let’s first discuss HomeCams and the invaluable security they offer end-users.

Why do HomeCams matter?

With the development of Face Recognition, being able to identify a person using a home security camera is no longer a futuristic concept.

The technology is here, now. 

Many HomeCams can function indoors or outdoors, picking up faces and identifying who people are inside and around a property.

If the individuals captured on camera are verified as friends or immediate family, no alarms will be triggered. But HomeCam technology can extend beyond this to include beloved family pets in its recognition and identification process. 

If an unfamiliar face is detected, the person is tagged as “unknown,” and a notification is sent, informing the homeowners that someone they don’t know is at their property.

With Face Recognition HomeCams, people can secure not only their homes but also their businesses.

Edge AI and advanced Face Recognition take HomeCams to the next level

Edge computing brings data processing to the edge of the network (or the device) where data is being created. This reduces reliance on cloud computing and offers compelling benefits for many applications. 

On the other hand, artificial intelligence promises the ability to make faster, more accurate decisions from highly complex data sources. 

Now, Edge computing and AI have amalgamated to form Edge AI, harnessing their respective benefits while also creating wholly new opportunities. 

For HomeCams, Edge AI-powered Face Recognition can support and empower businesses more cost-effectively and accurately than cloud AI alternatives.

Now, incredibly accurate, state-of-the-art Face Recognition technology can be embedded in home security camera systems, taking home security to new heights with the ability to recognize and assign an identity to a face. 

HomeCams offer accurate Face Recognition

Face Recognition HomeCams can impressively mitigate false alarms. 

With many other things around a property, such as tree movements, light changes, wind debris, and other similar factors, it might seem as though false alarms could happen often. 

However, thanks to solid Face Recognition algorithms, these factors can all be accounted for, so they won’t end up triggering false alarms.

Shortly, this technology will level up to recognizing angled faces and faces covered by sunglasses or masks. 

This is something that the older, more traditional versions of HomeCams were never able to do.

HomeCams can also detect pets, objects, and other animals

Being able to tell WHO is within range of the HomeCam is one thing, but being able to tell WHAT is in front of it, is another.

But, with Face Recognition technology, recognizing faces means that a system can also recognize pets and other objects in or outside the home. 

As can be seen, recognition and detection technology in the HomeCam space is pushing the limits in terms of what it can do.

HomeCams offer heightened security thanks to Face Recognition

As mentioned earlier, Face Recognition HomeCams can accurately identify people, pets, and objects.

When cams are installed in a home or business, they act as a sentinel – a defender of your property. You receive instant alerts when strangers or unwelcome visitors come around.

HomeCams provide multiple advanced features

Aside from the benefits mentioned above, Face Recognition HomeCams will automatically record and keep tabs on unknown people and vehicles that are not registered in its database.

Moreover, these HomeCams can also be equipped with heat map recording features and analysis, which can bring so much more to the already exceptional level of protection that HomeCams provide.

The Traditional Home Security Camera is Facing Difficulties

While HomeCams are an excellent choice for security, it’s important to note that not all HomeCams are made of the same stuff.  

For instance, traditional HomeCam systems find it hard to deal with modern vision applications. In addition, when it comes to conventional HomeCams, a long development cycle is unavoidable because of the legacy hardware and isolated platform design. This also results in high deployment costs. 

Comparatively, HomeCams that use Edge AI have integrated processing units. They’ve also got hardware accelerators, a must for modern vision applications. 

As a result, the development cycle is much shorter, and deployment costs go down when using Edge AI.

On top of this, it’s also important to note that Edge AI HomeCams offer advantages over Cloud-based cameras.

Let’s discuss the disadvantages of cloud-based HomeCams:

1.  Cloud-based HomeCams are vulnerable to data theft

Storing data on servers run by prominent providers doesn’t make it any safer from a hacker’s attack.

Data is much more vulnerable to interference when in transit, making data travel from a HomeCam to the cloud and back a risky business. 

Additionally, by storing data in the cloud, hackers could access your data without you knowing anything about it. When you know what’s going on, the damage has already been done.

2. Users lose features without the cloud

With cloud-based HomeCams, you will lose features if you decide to turn off the cloud.

Most cams rely on the cloud to make continuous recordings and perform motion sensor functions. So, if data isn’t shipped off to the cloud, then getting the most out of the cam isn’t happening.

3. Cloud-based HomeCams experience latency

Any delay in a HomeCam’s performance can cause significant problems; this latency comes with any cloud-based camera.

Edge AI, on the other hand, is perfect for time-sensitive data. 

This is because it cuts down on, or outright avoids, sending data to a cloud data center that can often be thousands of miles away. 

Of course, when it comes to safeguarding a home or a business, latency can spell the difference between security and endangerment.

4. HomeCams that use the cloud bring privacy concerns

When privacy isn’t prioritized, things can get ugly fast, so choosing a HomeCam that doesn’t compromise it is imperative. 

Suppose an unknown person gains access to sensitive data from a HomeCam system. Not only will the intruder be able to access information about you, but they’ll also have information about everyone else stored in the database labeled as “friend” or “family.” 

For this reason, making sure Face Recognition is done locally instead of in the cloud should always be considered.

Edge AI for HomeCams

Edge AI refers to when AI models run closer to the Edge of the network; sometimes, they can even run onboard a device.  

To put it simply, Edge AI brings hardware and software that runs locally into play.

This is important because it dispels the need for a remote server. It also means that no network connectivity is required for the device to analyze data and do its job, among other advantages that will be covered next.

Edge AI brings several impressive benefits to the HomeCam space

1. Edge AI enhances privacy

HomeCams backed by Edge AI can detect faces and then encrypt or obscure them for privacy reasons. 

This can be done at the video feed’s source to eliminate any personally identifiable information. At the same time, users can opt to customize the system with top-grade privacy protection.

On top of this impressive feature, Edge AI also offers greater privacy as it keeps data local, ensuring that it’s less vulnerable to attack as it travels.

2. Edge AI helps users input only high-quality images

Edge AI allows real-time image quality assessment in the HomeCam space.

Image quality matters as it affects the notification aspect of the HomeCam.

A HomeCam system can’t function as intended if only low-quality images are inputted.

Because of this, Edge AI HomeCams will only accept high-quality images in their database and can provide users with instantaneous reports on the quality of submitted images so that this vital step can be carried out correctly.

3. Edge AI delivers enhanced detection ability

Edge AI HomeCams can pick out and filter footage that only includes faces.

This is a far cry from the traditional HomeCams that send all recorded footage across the network while consuming vast amounts of bandwidth.

The fact that Edge AI HomeCams are capable of selective analysis means lower operational costs (transmission and storage) and bandwidth usage. 

4. Edge AI is low in cost

Edge AI is a cost-efficient option for HomeCams. 


Because continuous heavy data processing in the cloud comes with a steep price tag, particularly when it keeps running all hours.

The good news is that the long-term costs of Edge AI HomeCams can be up to 8 times lower when compared to cloud-based options.

5. Edge AI delivers incredible speed

Every second counts, especially when it comes to security.

Cloud-based AI options will always come with time lags.

Edge AI HomeCams, on the other hand, process and analyze data on the same device that generates it.

As a result, Edge AI HomeCams perform as much as10 times faster when compared to HomeCams that are cloud-based.

Save money and stay secure with Edge AI for HomeCams

HomeCams powered by Edge AI Face Recognition are a smart choice for individuals who want to support their businesses or thoroughly safeguard their homes and loved ones. 

By investing in Edge AI HomeCams, users are choosing to save on costs, stay safer, and enjoy the added security and convenience of a faster HomeCam system.

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About the Author

    Mark Crosling is a marketer, strategist, and writer. Start-ups, early-stage, and thinking about thinking are his thing. He digs category design 'cause that's where the treasure is.

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