
Edge Computing Brings a Diverse Array of Benefits to Video Analytics

Edge Computing

Edge Computing Brings a Diverse Array of Benefits to Video Analytics

Shandra Earney / March 24, 2023

Edge computing brings significant benefits to video analytics

In recent years, video analytics has emerged as a powerful tool for extracting insights and value from the vast amounts of video data generated by surveillance systems, retail stores, manufacturing facilities, and more.

However, traditional centralized computing architectures can struggle to keep up with the demands of processing and analyzing this data, leading to latency, bandwidth constraints, and security vulnerabilities.

Enter Edge computing, a distributed computing paradigm that brings processing closer to the data source, enabling faster processing speeds, reduced bandwidth requirements, improved security, and greater reliability. 

This blog will explore how Edge computing can enhance video analytics. It will also examine how these benefits play out in a range of use cases, from surveillance and retail to manufacturing.

Edge computing and video analytics explained

To understand Edge-based video analytics, it’s crucial to deconstruct the underlying technologies that make it possible. 

Edge computing refers to a distributed IT architecture where data processing is done at or near the data source rather than in a centralized data center. This approach offers several benefits, including faster processing, reduced bandwidth usage, and lower latency. 

As a result, Edge computing has become a critical component of many Internet of Things (IoT) systems that perform video analytics functions, such as HomeCams and Smart Video Doorbells.

Video analytics is the process of analyzing video data to extract meaningful insights or information. This can include performing tasks such as Face Recognition, object detection, and tracking. 

Video analytics can be used in various applications, such as surveillance and security, traffic control, and retail store monitoring. Its use is becoming increasingly popular due to the availability of high-quality cameras and accurate algorithms. 

But, the widespread adoption of video analytics is also part of the problem, as it generates massive amounts of data that needs to be analyzed and processed quickly. 

Centralized processing can be slow and expensive, and it’s not always possible to transfer large amounts of data to the cloud. 

This is where Edge computing helps out. 

By processing the data directly at or near the source of the video stream, Edge computing reduces the amount of data that needs to be transferred to the cloud, making video analytics more efficient and cost-effective.

In addition, the low latency and real-time decision-making capabilities of Edge computing make it particularly useful in applications such as surveillance and security, where quick response times are critical.

By leveraging the power of Edge computing, organizations can realize the full potential of video analytics while minimizing the challenges associated with data processing and storage.

As the number of cameras and data generated grows, Edge video analytics is becoming an increasingly important tool for real-time visual analysis and decision-making across various industries.

The benefits of Edge computing for video analytics

Video analytics has become an essential tool for a wide range of applications, from surveillance and security to industrial automation and retail. 

However, traditional cloud-based video analytics has limitations, especially concerning latency. 

As mentioned, Edge computing is an innovative solution that addresses the limitations of centralized servers, bringing several impressive benefits to video analytics.

Discussed below are the benefits of Edge computing for video analytics.

Edge-based video analytics reduces latency

One of the most significant advantages of Edge computing for video analytics is lower latency. 

Edge devices process video data in real time, which allows for fast decision-making without any delays in sending the video back and forth between the device and the main server or cloud. 

This reduces response time, making detecting and responding to potential threats or anomalies easier.

Edge video analytics lessens bandwidth consumption

Edge-based video analytics can significantly reduce bandwidth consumption in several ways. 

Firstly, by processing data at the source in real-time, Edge devices can analyze and filter out unnecessary data before it’s sent to central servers, thus reducing the amount of data that needs to be transmitted outside the device.

Additionally, Edge-enabled devices can perform advanced video analytics on original, high-quality video data, eliminating the need for heavy video compression commonly used to reduce bandwidth during transmission to a central server.

Edge-based video analytics delivers better data security

Edge-based video analytics offers superior data security when compared to cloud-based video analytics. 

Unlike cloud-based video analytics, where video data must be transmitted over the internet to a remote server for analysis, Edge-based video analytics keeps video data within the local network, reducing the chances of unauthorized access. This allows businesses to maintain greater control over their video data, which can be essential in building trust with customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

In addition, Edge-based video analytics can be designed with built-in security features, such as encryption and access controls, to further protect the video data from unauthorized access. 

By ensuring that data is always protected, businesses can avoid legal liability associated with data breaches and non-compliance with data privacy regulations.

Edge-based video analytics solutions are cost-effective

Edge computing offers a cost-effective solution for video analytics. 

Given the large amounts of data in video processing, transmitting video to the cloud or a central server can be expensive.

Edge-based video analytics significantly reduces this cost by processing video data at the Edge and sending only metadata to the cloud or central server. 

Bandwidth and storage costs are also reduced by reducing the amount of data that needs to be transmitted off-device. As a result, businesses can achieve overall savings in their video analytics operations by utilizing Edge computing.

Edge-based video analytics are continuous and reliable

Edge computing enables video analytics to operate autonomously, ensuring continuous and reliable performance even in remote and isolated locations with limited network connectivity. 

This makes Edge-based video analytics an ideal solution for businesses that require uninterrupted, reliable video analytics.

The top 7 use cases for Edge-based video analytics

Edge-based video analytics have a range of applications across various fields. This section will discuss the top seven Edge-based video analytics use cases.

1. Autonomous vehicles

In an autonomous vehicle, various sensors such as cameras, lidars, and radars continuously collect data on the vehicle’s surroundings. This data is then processed to make driving decisions such as accelerating, braking, and steering.

By incorporating Edge-based video analytics, processing this data can be done closer to the source, which means it can be done faster, with less latency. This allows quicker responses to changing road conditions, such as detecting and avoiding obstacles, pedestrians, or other vehicles. 

Edge-based video analytics can significantly improve the safety and efficiency of autonomous vehicles, potentially saving lives and reducing the likelihood of accidents on the road.

2. Surveillance and security

Video analytics at the Edge is a powerful tool for enhancing security across various sectors. 

In government settings, Edge-based video analytics can monitor activities on public sidewalks and roads. The collected data can be analyzed and monitored in real-time, providing valuable insights and enabling quick responses that can help stop serious or life-threatening situations.

Beyond these settings, video analytics has also been integrated into home security systems. 

Smart Video Doorbells and HomeCams utilize Edge-based video analytics to detect and alert homeowners to potential security threats. 

By analyzing video data in real-time, these systems can differentiate between harmless movements and suspicious activity, such as someone loitering around a home or a package missing from the front porch. This enables homeowners to take action quickly and more effectively, improving the overall security of one’s home and belongings.

3. Retail optimization

By combining video analytics with Edge computing, retailers can gain valuable insights into customer behavior and product placement, leading to improved sales and better customer experiences.

Another key benefit of Edge-based video analytics in retail is detecting when a product goes out of stock in real time. This can help retailers prevent lost sales due to stockouts and optimize inventory management processes. 

With Edge video analytics, retailers can receive automatic notifications to alert employees when a product needs to be restocked, reducing the time and effort required to monitor inventory manually.

4. Face recognition

Face recognition technology, a popular tool in security and surveillance systems, has seen a significant rise in recent years. 

With Edge-based video analytics, Face Recognition can be used for various applications, including access control, identification, and threat detection.

For instance, Edge-based Face Recognition can register staff members in a system, allowing only authorized personnel to access areas while restricting access to others. 

It can also be used retroactively to identify crime suspects, bolstering law enforcement’s ability to solve cases.

Outside of this, Edge-based video analytics can be used in smart home products such as home security cameras to recognize familiar faces and alert homeowners of possible intruders. 

With rapid, accurate notifications thanks to Edge computing, homeowners can take immediate action to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.

5. Event detection

Event detection within modern video surveillance systems allows operators to stop potentially serious or life-threatening situations by delivering fast updates about unfolding events to security personnel or law enforcement officers. 

Due to their low latency, accuracy, and reliability, Edge computing-powered video analytics systems can make the difference between positive and negative outcomes in such situations.

6. Behavioral prediction

Video analytics can detect and notify the correct personnel of suspicious or unusual activities or behaviors. 

One example is in public spaces such as airports, train stations, and sports stadiums, where video analytics can be used to monitor crowds and detect potential security threats. 

Through Edge computing, video surveillance systems can analyze data in real-time and determine what constitutes normal behavior and what should be treated as suspicious, potentially deterring criminal or anti-social behavior.

7. Quality assurance automation

Video analytics is crucial in quality assurance and inspection processes in various industries, particularly manufacturing. 

By utilizing machine vision technology, video analytics systems can scan batches of products for defects at a level of detail far beyond what the human eye can achieve, improving product quality and reducing production costs.

Edge-based video analytics systems provide the data-processing capabilities necessary for completely automated inspection on the production line, enabling real-time analysis and identification of defects. 

This allows manufacturers to quickly identify and correct issues during production, reducing defective products and preventing potential safety hazards.

The future of video analytics at the Edge

The emergence of Edge computing is revolutionizing how we process and analyze visual data. 

With the ability to bring processing power closer to the source, Edge computing allows for real-time video analysis, opening up new possibilities across various industries and providing greater insights and understanding into complex situations. 

As Edge computing continues to evolve, the potential for integrating advanced features such as intent and behavioral analysis is becoming a reality, paving the way for even more advanced applications. 

The possibilities are endless, and Edge computing is poised to reshape the world of data processing and video analysis, ushering in a new era of innovation and progress.

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About the Author

    Shandra is a writer and content marketer working in the B2B space. She enjoys learning about new concepts and ideas surrounding cutting-edge technologies and brings a passion for researching and writing about how the digital world influences society.

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