
The Rise of Edge Computing: Understanding Its Benefits and Drawbacks

Edge Computing

The Rise of Edge Computing: Understanding Its Benefits and Drawbacks

Mark Crosling / February 16, 2023

Balancing the benefits and challenges of Edge computing

Edge computing is a cutting-edge trend in the smart technology field.

Initially, smart devices and applications relied on centralized processing. 

However, the proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the vast amount of data it generates have put the sustainability of this centralized model into question, with network congestion and latency issues resulting in a negative user experience.

Edge computing offers an alternative solution by bringing processing and analytics closer to the source, improving performance, reducing data traffic, enabling real-time analysis, and lowering costs. In addition, it offers a more sustainable solution to the challenges posed by the growth of the IoT and the accompanying increase in data.

But, like all technologies, it’s inevitable to encounter drawbacks with Edge computing solutions.

This article investigates the benefits of Edge computing and explores how its disadvantages can be overcome. 

Xailient’s AI management platform, Orchestrait, mitigates the challenges of Edge computing by providing a service that offers developers an easy, automatic, and cost-effective Edge AI maintenance solution.

The advantages of Edge computing

As the demand for fast and efficient data processing grows, many companies are transitioning from traditional infrastructure to Edge-computing setups.

The advantages offered by Edge computing, such as improved performance, real-time analysis, reduced data traffic, and lower costs, have made it an integral part of modern business. 

The main benefits of Edge computing are listed below. 

Edge computing offers reduced latency

Latency refers to the time it takes for a service to respond to a user request.

In traditional centralized processing, data must be transmitted to the cloud for processing and analysis before being returned to the device for the desired response. 

This process can result in significant delays, especially as the heavy use and production of data increases network congestion and causes traffic in the cloud.

Edge computing offers the solution by bringing processing and analytics closer to the source. 

With Edge computing, data is stored and processed on the device, eliminating the need to transfer it to the cloud. The result is faster feedback and real-time responses, providing a superior user experience.

Edge computing enables real-time analytics

Edge computing brings the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to devices, providing the ability to perform real-time analytics. This combination of Edge computing and AI is known as Edge AI

By integrating high-performance computing and AI capabilities into machines, Edge computing eliminates the need to transmit data to the cloud. This reduces latency and provides faster feedback.

Machine learning at the Edge is also made possible with Edge solutions, providing additional benefits for Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as Smart Video Doorbells and other Smart Home devices. This allows for the creation of sophisticated, intelligent smart home systems that can quickly process and analyze large amounts of data, providing real-time insights and predictions.

Edge computing transforms how data is processed and analyzed, making real-time analytics a reality. This has far-reaching implications for the healthcare, finance, and manufacturing industries, allowing them to make data-driven decisions faster and more efficiently.

Edge computing delivers better data security

Edge computing improves data security by reducing the amount of data transmitted and processed in the cloud, keeping sensitive data on user devices, and reducing the risk of data compromise.

With Edge computing, data is stored and processed on the device. This minimizes the need for data to travel to the cloud and back. In addition, reducing data transit minimizes the risk of compromising data, as Edge computing provides fewer opportunities to hack sensitive information during transmission.

Additionally, by processing and analyzing data locally, sensitive data can be kept in a secure environment, away from other potential threats the cloud poses. This helps to protect data from unauthorized access, cyber-attacks, and other security breaches.

Edge computing improves data security by reducing the amount of data transmitted and processed in the cloud, keeping sensitive data on user devices, and reducing the risk of data compromise.

Edge computing is a highly cost-effective option

Edge computing offers several cost benefits compared to traditional cloud-based solutions. 

The reduced latency in Edge computing results in lower use of bandwidth and network resources. This means devices do not have to be continuously connected to the internet for data transfer, reducing the cost of network usage.

Edge computing can also eliminate the need for cloud storage, enabling the processing and analysis of data locally on the device. This provides significant cost savings for companies processing large amounts of data.

By bringing processing and analysis closer to the source, Edge computing provides a more efficient and cost-effective solution for modern businesses.

The drawbacks of Edge computing and how Xailient’s Orchestrait can help

Despite Edge computing’s numerous benefits, it has its fair share of difficulties.

However, many companies and developers are working to address these challenges and improve the overall Edge computing experience.

One solution that mitigates the problems associated with Edge computing is Xailient’s AI management platform, Orchestrait

Orchestrait is the world’s first management platform that uses state-of-the-art Edge AI to ensure full compliance with all privacy protection laws. Importantly, Orchestrait also monitors drift and delivers over-the-air updates to deployed devices worldwide.

Orchestrait addresses the major problem of high Edge computing costs

Cost is a significant challenge with Edge computing.

Although Edge computing is more cost effective than traditional cloud computing, the initial expenses for setting up Edge computing infrastructure can be significant. 

Additionally, the hardware and software upgrades necessary to maintain optimal performance of Edge devices also require many resources, adding to the overall cost.

Another challenge is finding AI engineers with the skills and expertise to manage and maintain Edge computing infrastructure and software. 

This requires human resources and training investment, adding to the cost of implementing Edge computing.

Xailient’s Orchestrait platform addresses the challenges associated with Edge computing and reduces the costs associated with its implementation, maintenance, and support. 

One way Orchestrait lessens expenses is by offering quick and simple software upgrades necessary to maintain optimal performance of Edge devices, reducing the costs of manually monitoring and delivering software updates. 

This is achieved through its over-the-air (OTA) updates, which allow for the delivery of software updates to Edge devices without the need for physical intervention, thereby reducing maintenance costs and downtime.

To address the issue of limited in-house expertise, Orchestrait automatically manages and maintains Edge computing software. 

This helps reduce the need for additional human resources and training investment, making Edge computing easier to manage and more cost-effective.

Orchestrait monitors the AI onboard Edge computing devices to mitigate data loss

It’s crucial to carefully plan and design the deployment of Edge computing to avoid losing any valuable data.

For instance, an Edge device’s automatic deletion of data can lead to accidentally losing important information if the device is not programmed to accurately determine which data is needed.

It’s essential to consider the potential consequences of losing data, as it can impact future decisions and opportunities. That’s why it’s critical to have a thorough understanding of the data being processed and stored on Edge devices and to take steps to guarantee its accuracy and reliability. 

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of data being processed and stored on Edge devices, Orchestrait provides a management and control system where information about any number of Edge devices is consolidated within an easy-to-use platform. 

With Orchestrait, Edge computing systems can easily be monitored and updated to accurately determine which data is needed, preventing the loss of important data. 

In addition, Orchestrait can ensure that your deployed devices stick to data retention policies and other laws and regulations by putting user consent first. 

Overall, Orchestrait makes it possible to identify and resolve potential data loss scenarios before they occur, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data being processed and stored on Edge devices.

Orchestrait makes data privacy and security at the Edge easy

Despite offering advantages over cloud-based computing, data privacy and security are still concerns in Edge computing. 

This is because Edge devices, such as sensors and cameras, often collect and store sensitive data, including personally identifiable information, financial information, and other types of sensitive data that require protection.

Unlike in cloud computing, Edge computing devices, such as sensors, cameras, and other IoT devices, are often deployed in remote or decentralized locations with limited physical security and network infrastructure. 

This makes them more susceptible to various security threats, such as physical tampering and unauthorized access. 

To address these privacy and security concerns, Edge computing solutions must implement robust security measures to protect sensitive data.

This may include encryption, firewalls, and other security solutions

It’s also essential for organizations to regularly monitor and update their security measures to ensure that they remain effective against evolving threats.

Orchestrait addresses these challenges by providing robust security features such as data encryption. This ensures sensitive data is always protected, including when it is processed or stored in Edge computing devices. 

As mentioned, Orchestrait also offers monitoring capabilities, which help organizations detect potential security flaws and deliver updates before these problems negatively impact customers.

Unlocking the full potential of Edge computing for modern businesses

Edge computing is a cutting-edge technology that offers several advantages for modern businesses, such as improved performance, real-time analysis, better data security, and cost-effectiveness. 

By bringing processing and analytics closer to the source, Edge computing provides an efficient, sustainable solution to the challenges posed by the IoT’s growth and accompanying data increase.

However, like all technologies, Edge computing has its difficulties.

Xailient has addressed these problems head-on with the Orchestrait AI management platform by reducing costs, automatically monitoring AI to avoid data loss, and offering a simple way to ensure privacy compliance no matter where your Edge AI solutions are deployed.

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About the Author

    Mark Crosling is a marketer, strategist, and writer. Start-ups, early-stage, and thinking about thinking are his thing. He digs category design 'cause that's where the treasure is.

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